Posted on Thu ,12/05/2011 by CBT
Jacob Peart, of Sandy, Utah, goes all out on his Eagle Scout Service Project, building a total of 20 wood duck box kits. These kits were later used as a part of the WOW program and it’s involvement at the Great Salt Lake Bird Festival in May, at the Davis County Fair Grounds.

Children participating in the GSLBF would have the opportunities to assemble one of these WOW ESSP boxes. These boxes were later taken to the field and appropriately places for wood duck usage.

Tags : Carl B Taylor, Eagle Scout, Eagle Scout Service Project, Jacob Peart, Wild Over Wood Ducks Program, wood ducks, WOW
Categorized under :Eagle Scouts, Youth
Posted on Mon ,18/04/2011 by CBT
Eagle Scout Service Project #64
Jacob Abrams Completes His WOW ESSP!!!
It’s not very often that we see a young man tackle his Eagle Scout Service Project (ESSP) at the age of twelve years old. Jacob Abrams completed his requirements with the WOW program for his ESSP in less than 30 days from contacting me…WOW!!! Go Jacob….Go Troop 750!!!
Jacob has committed to doing a little write up, explaining the details of this service project; We will then post this story, along with some pictures and a short YouTube video.
Hats off to this young man and his supporters for contributing twelve boxes to the Wild Over Wood (WOW) Duck Nesting Program.
Carl B Taylor
Tags : Carl B Taylor, Eagle Scout, Eagle Scout Service Project, wild over wood ducks, wood ducks, WOW
Categorized under :Eagle Scouts
Posted on Fri ,15/04/2011 by CBT
WOW Eagle Scout Service Project Letter >>> Click Here
The ESP Project letter will assist you in understanding the WOW project and give you a One-Sheet to attach to your ESP packet for review of your Scouting Committee.
WOW Wood Duck Box Plans>>> Click Here
The Wood Duck Box Plans will assist you in your lay-out and materials list, as well as further your understanding of the exact methods and dimensions of the WOW box design. Additionally, we will provide you with a template box, that will help you during this project. Scouts will need to arrange to meet with WOW representative to have his Service Project Packet appropriately signed, and to collect his template box.
WOW Post Project Write-Up>>> CLICK HERE
As a part of your ESP, we would encourage you to take photo’s that would be appropriate to share of you and your team on the World Wide Web. Select 5 0r 6 of your favorite photo’s to submit and write a one page article, sharing your story of this project, spot-lighting the efforts from you and your support group. There is no exact format to these stories. This is your story to tell. Submit these photo’s and your article to us and we will proof and post them in your name on the WOW website.
Tags : Carl B Taylor, Eagle Scout, Eagle Scout Service Project, wild over wood ducks, wood ducks
Categorized under :Eagle Scouts
Posted on Thu ,14/04/2011 by CBT

I’m an assistant professor at Utah State University and have been an avid waterfowl hunter throughout my life. In a nutshell, my research program is focused on the factors that affect how many ducks and geese are produced, and fly south each year. Students and I are currently involved in collaborative projects studying snow geese, bluebills, redheads, pintails, and wood ducks in Cache Valley. For more info click on the link to my webpage below.
David Koons, Asst. Prof.
Utah State University
Dept. of Wildland Resources and the Ecology Center
5230 Old Main Hill
Logan, UT 84322
Phone: 435-797-8670 (no voicemail)
Fax: 435-797-3796
Web: web page
Tags : Carl B Taylor, Eagle Scout, Eagle Scout Service Project, wild over wood ducks, wood ducks
Categorized under :Utah State University, Wildlife Society
Posted on Thu ,14/04/2011 by CBT
Categorized under :Utah State University, Wildlife Society