Eagle Scout Service Program
WOW’s Eagle Scout Service Program
During the Early days of the WOW program, we quickly recognized that boxes and hardware were the bottleneck to the success of this program. As we began to work with our local scout troops, our success began to snowball into a highly successful win-win situation. Since 2008, Wild Over Wood Ducks (WOW) nest box program has introduced nearly 1000 artificial nesting cavities (a suitable form of habitat) to the program in key locations, throughout Utah’s waterways, wetlands and riparian areas. Properly set and maintained, these wood duck nesting boxes will provide secure wood duck nesting habitat and eliminate nearly all predation, thus providing two of the key elements to the long term success of Utah’s wood duck population.
Eagle Scouts and the WOW Program
Wood duck nesting boxes are no strangers to the scouting program. In fact, there is quite a history throughout the United States of scouts that have chosen to build wood duck nesting boxes because they apply to a variety of the merit badges; from the Wood Working merit badge, the Birding merit badge, the Fish & Wildlife merit badge as well as a large scale project such as the Leadership Service Project. We at The Utah Waterfowl Alliance (TUWA) and the WOW Program recognize the opportunity to assist these scouts as the search for a viable project that will set them apart as individuals as well as their project efforts making a difference for years to come. As leaders in conservation, we also recognize the importance our being involved, making certain that each of these scouts have the opportunity to be involved in the placement of the boxes as the final step in this program. TUWA has a multitude of project locations and WOW project coordinators to assist in the proper placement of these Eagle projects and look forward to assisting these young men in making a difference.
Getting Started
One of the first decisions you will need to determine is the number of boxes you will be contributing to the WOW program. While there are no specific requirements, TUWA has placed a personal challenge of 12 boxes for the Eagle Scout Leadership Projects, understanding that every individual’s focus and abilities are unique.
Program Once you have determined the number of your boxes you will be producing for the WOW Nest Box Program, your next step will be to submit your project for review to the unit leader, the unit committee, and the council or district advancement committee before the project is started. As the beneficiary of this service project, we encourage interested individuals to contact us so that we might assist in any questions you might have during this process. Upon securing approval for you project, TUWA and it’s WOW program will provide you with a finished wood duck nesting box so that you may better understand the finished product and further assist you as you begin to solicit participation in your project.
After Completion of the Nesting Boxes
Contact your WOW Project Coordinator, notifying them that your nest boxes are now complete and ready for placement within one of the upcoming WOW Work Days..
We are excited to have your participation in the WOW program and look forward to working with you on your project.
Carl Taylor
The Utah Waterfowl Alliance
& Wild Over Wood Ducks